Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I cut my thumb

Yea, so for those of you that are familiar with my custom headlights on my caliber...you know the turn signals are exposed. well, a rock flew up and shattered one of them, and when i was trying to replace it, the broken glass SLICED my thumb open. its pretty hardcore.


Back to the Gecko.

Not much going on with it today. in fact i didn't even touch the model OR the plans. but i can show you a parallel wishbone (a-arm) suspension drawing that i did the other day just to show off my drafting skills a bit.

i referred to my RC car (Tesla) to get approximate dimension ideas--mainly the relation between upper control arm length and lower control arm length. I concluded that, when mounted on the same plane, the upper wishbone is 93% the length of the lower wishbone.
the drawing is approximate, but as close as I know how to come to a scratch built susp. The strut/spring was a doosey to draw.
here's pic:

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